Wear sturdy shoes, hat, sunscreen and bring your gloves and grabbers (if you have them) as well as water. Bags and gloves will be provided. Donated Starbuck’s coffee and donuts […]
Amnesty events are a free and effective way to dispose of scrap tires that litter your community and pose a health hazard for residents. Hosted by Bernalillo County Planning & […]
Amnesty events are a free and effective way to dispose of scrap tires that litter your community and pose a health hazard for residents. Hosted by Bernalillo County Planning & […]
E-Cycle Event is an annual event in Town that is held in spring at Town Hall. This FREE event will provide residents with the opportunity to safely recycle old electronics. […]
Amnesty events are a free and effective way to dispose of scrap tires that litter your community and pose a health hazard for residents. Hosted by Bernalillo County Planning & […]
Come help keep the Hyde Memorial State Park roadways clean and clear of trash and debris. We will meet at the Hyde Park Visitor Center right next to Highway 475 […]